Collaborate with portrait geek on social media

Portrait Geek on these social media platforms: instagram, tiktok, youtube
Examples of offerings:
Tag your company, name, account, product(s) and/or location
Mention your company, name, account or product(s) organically in the title or description
Travel to your event to photograph strangers, showing a scene with your company or logo
Include a video clip of your company logo or building at the location of the video
Photograph strangers outside or in your coffee shop, restaurant or business, mentioning the food or drink was nice
Please feel free to make additional requests, as long as they don't break the social media platform's rules!
Alex (portrait geek) is devoted to producing videos in the same format - short uplifting videos asking strangers for a portrait photo.
Acting is unfortunately not on offer - each shoot is genuinely of stranger, to keep in line with portrait geek's format :)
Please email photo [at] portraitgeek [dot] com with the exact text / details you'd like, and where you'd like it to be shown.
Various influencer rate calculators are available online. Portraitgeek's rate is up for negotionation.
If you would like Alex to travel, it is charged at £200 per hour return trip plus travel expenses, to help cover his time away from other work.
To give you an idea of approximate ballparks, please feel free to use the third party calculators below. Just remember to type in portrait geek's username exactly (INSTAGRAM: "portraitgeeek" TIKTOK: "portraitgeek" YOUTUBE: "portraitgeek")
Inbeat instagram influencer calculator:
Influencer marketting hub:
Example rates:
Below is a sample of the results from influencer pricing calculators in May 2024 - these rates change in line with market conditions and as portraitgeek's profile grows: